Dr. Lorenz Müller
Geschäftsbereichsleiter DC-Links
50Hertz Transmission GmbH
Lorenz Müller studied electrical engineering and received a PhD at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. In 2003, he joined former Vattenfall Europe Transmission GmbH in Berlin. The company was renamed 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and sold in 2010. 50Hertz’s today’s owners are Elia (80%) and KfW (20%). 50Hertz is part of the Elia Group. The jobs Lorenz has performed since 2003 in his professional career are:
- • 2003: Team Lead Grid Contracts/Customer Care.
- • 2004-2007: Head of "Customer Care and Use of System".
- • 2007-2010: Head of "Portfolio Management".
- • 2011: Head of division "Energy Management", where he was responsible for the whole energy business of the company (including front-, middle- and back-office activities) as well as energy market issues.
- • 2012-2015: Head of "Offshore Projects", setting-up the offshore projects department and realization of the offshore grid connection projects Baltic 1 and Baltic 2 and the succeeding projects Wikinger, Arkona and the Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution.
- • 2016-2023: Head of Regulatory Affairs, authorized representative of the company towards the regulator. His tasks comprised the management within the regulatory framework, revenues of the company, regulated procedures, and contributing to the further development of the regulatory and legal framework by means of providing input to the regulator and the responsible ministries on regulatory decisions and revisions of ordinances and acts.
- • 09/2022-03/2023: Head of DC-onshore-projects (acting, in addition to regulatory affairs). In this role, he was responsible for the DC corridor projects of 50Hertz (SuedOstLink, SuedOstLink+, NorthOstLink) and for setting up new interconnector projects Bornholm Energy Island and Baltic WindConnector.
- • 04/2023-today: Head of business unit DC-Links (end-to-end-responsibility for all onshore DC-projects of 50Hertz (SuedOstLink, SuedOstLink+, NorthOstLink, NorthOstLink+, SuedWestLink, SuedWestLink+, OstWestLink, OstWestLink+)).
In addition to these jobs, Lorenz Müller has performed several strategic projects in Elia Group. In 2021, he was leader of the "Offshore Growth" project that focussed on Elia Group’s offshore activities beyond its home markets in Belgium and Germany. One of the outcomes of this project was the creation of WindGrid as new affiliate of Elia Group. In 2022, he led the "Accelerate" restructuring project that resulted in a new matrix organization of the project business of 50Hertz.